Tonbridge Rotary Grants Announced

Hospice in the Weald and Porchlight are among the recipients

A substantial proportion of the surplus generated by Tonbridge Rotary Club’s successful Charity Golf Day at Sweetwoods Park Golf Club earlier in the year has been handed over to Hospice in the Weald. A presentation at the Hospice took place on Wednesday 18th September at which a donation of £3,270 was made. The Hospice was the lead charity for the event, which generated over £5,000 for local good causes.

Tonbridge Repair Café has received a donation of £210 from the club to enable the purchase of an isolation transformer. People with broken possessions can bring them to the café and have them fixed by volunteers. The café is open for 2.5 hours one Saturday in the month and operates from St Stephens Church with outreach facilities in St Philips and the Methodist Church (see website for future dates). The first repair café opened in Amsterdam in 2009 and since then over 2,500 have sprung up throughout the world, including 302 in the UK.

The club has given £1,000 to Porchlight, the charity which works to help homeless people. Money for the donation was generated by two club members and their partners who booked holidays with Riviera Travel, which pays 10% of the cost to a customer’s Rotary club.

Tonbridge Rotarians meet on Thursdays at Poult Wood Golf Club in Tonbridge.

Source: Tonbridge Rotary


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