Tunbridge Wells Petrol Queue Fury

Huge queues block roads in town.

Tempers were frayed in Tunbridge Wells on Friday night as car owners clamoured for fuel along London Road.

At around 8 pm on Friday evening, the queues were back along St. John's Road in one direction and down to the Russel Hotel in the other. Other vehicles were unable to turn out of side roads, which were blocked by stationary vehicles.

The sound of car, bus, and lorry horns filled the air at times, as inconsiderate drivers coming from the St. John's Road direction, attempted to turn into the Shell filling station, blocking the road to those vehicles not in the queue.

There were reports of a collision involving two or three cars, as drivers pushed to be ahead of the queue. At other times, screeching tyres were heard as frustrated drivers turned around and sped off at high speed in the 30mph limit.

The BP fulling station next door to Shell was closed, otherwise, the chaotic scenes could have been worse.

The rush for fuel is a result of around 10 BP stations across the whole of the UK being closed on Thursday.



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