Two Liberal Democrat Borough Councillors in Tunbridge Wells have resigned and are leaving the council.
Tara Matthews, who was elected to Park Ward last year, is departing.
Also leaving the borough council is Peter Lidstone, who is currently Walking and Cycling Champion for the council. He currently represents St John's Ward.
Tara Matthews (pictured below) is a full time Liberal Democrat party worker as she is also Head of Office for the Liberal Democrat MP for Tunbridge Wells, Mike Martin. She is also coordinating the Liberal Democrat's County Council election campaign.
The deadline to submit nominations for the two wards is in less than two weeks on April 2nd.
The Borough vote would coincide with the Kent County Council elections on May 1st.
Even without the two councillors, the Lib Dems still have a majority on the council. The Lib Dems now have 20 councillors to the combined opposition of 17 councillors.
The leaders of Kent's local authorities have sent the government four options for how they want the county's political map to look after reorganisation.
A Conservative councillor has warned that a plan for 3,000 new homes near Capel, which was dropped last year, could be considered again by the council.