Love Where We Live Awards 2024

The awards return, aimed at charities and volunteer group across Tunbridge Wells borough

The Love Where We Live community awards return.

After a year off for the Love Where We Live Awards we are delighted that they are returning for 2024.

The award categories recognise the individuals, groups, businesses and organisations who are dedicated to helping others in the community, benefiting the environment, or accomplishing personal goals:

  • Charity of the Year
  • Community Group of the Year
  • Green Business
  • Green Household
  • Good Neighbour
  • Sportsperson/Team of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Young Volunteer of the Year
  • Young Sports Achiever of the Year

The awards were set up to celebrate the people who make the Tunbridge Wells borough a great place to live and work and each year the awards are held there are amazing people nominated for the wonderful things they do in the community.

A winner will be chosen for each category and a tenth award will be made to the individual/group/organisation the judges decide is the overall Love Where We Live winner.

How do I nominate?

Nominations can be made quickly and easily online .

The closing date for nominations is 1 September 2024 and the finalists will be invited to the awards ceremony in November.


The awards are made possible with the generous support of our sponsors:

  • Fusion Lifestyle
  • King Charles’ Old Boys’ Association
  • Thrive Living in Tunbridge Wells
  • Town and Country Housing
  • Trinity Theatre
  • Tunbridge Wells Business Magazine

Source: Tunbridge Wells Borough Council


  • Social Care Costs Soar

    Kent County Council is putting up council tax by 5 per cent from April.

  • £ 3 million Fine Windfall

    Seventy motorists are still being fined every day for straying into the prohibited traffic zone in the centre of Tunbridge Wells.

  • Petition "Hits target"


    Tonbridge is to get its own Town Council if most voters in the Tonbridge town area want one.

  • Southborough church clock repairs

    Southborough's church clock that looks down over the town's picturesque cricket pitch is striking the hour once again.

  • "Bitterly Disappointing" Decision

    The Labour government has announced that Kent will not be "fast-tracked" for a mayor and devolution.

  • Spa Valley Rail Appeal


    The Tunbridge Wells heritage railway has begun running events to raise £300,000 to replace a corroded bridge.

  • Airport Plans "Madness"


    The Green Party Councillor, Mark Hood, has attacked what he called Labour's "bonfire of regulations" after news of plans for a new Heathrow runway.

  • Marking History

    The suffragettes are among those to be honoured in a new set of heritage plaques for Tunbridge Wells.

On Air Now The Wind Down Midnight - 8:00am


  • Mona Channet

    8:00am - 10:00am

    Weekend Breakfast sponsored by Beulah Lodge Rest Home

  • Liz Batham

    10:00am - Noon

    Mid Mornings