Electric Vehicle Points, Difficult

We have the wrong kind of lamposts

A local consultation on the use of electric charging points in public spaces in Tunbridge Wells Borough closed on 4 July 2021. There were 766 responses and a report is being prepared.

The consultation focused on charging in places such as car parks and did not ask about roadside charging. 

Councilors at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council were, however, asked a question from Cllr Everitt about on-street electric charging points.

The response from the Leader of the Council, Cllr Dawlings advised that it is difficult to use lamposts as an electric supply for vehicles parked on the roadside. The major reason is that the vast majority of lamposts are on the inner side of the path, which would entail a charing lead across the pavement. That would not be legal.

Although there are some lamposts in the borough which are at the roadside, it is not the policy of the county to use these posts as a supply for electric vehicle charging.

It was advised that the council may be able to use some lamposts in certain locations and would look to investigate such possibilities.


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