Cattery Owner Prosecuted

A £4,000 fine for unlicenced cattery

Operating a cattery without a licence has cost a Tunbridge Wells woman over £4,000 following a successful prosecution by the Council.

Catnap Cattery had previously been licensed under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018. The licence was revoked by the Council in November 2022 who took the action following continued incidents of non-compliance with the Regulations, despite informal intervention by the Council’s Animal Licensing team.

After the licence was revoked Council officers were given information that the cattery was still boarding cats for a fee even though there was no licence in place. An investigation was carried out and a decision taken to begin legal proceedings against the cattery owner, Olga Johnson MBE.

Ms. Johnson was summoned to appear at Maidstone Magistrates’ Court on 30 July 2024 but pleaded guilty by post and was fined £698, £279 victim surcharge and £3,500 costs totalling £4,477.

Councillor Rob Wormington, Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability said: ‘This successful prosecution demonstrates that the Council will take action against unlicensed activities to ensure a level playing field for all businesses in the borough.
‘You can also be assured that by using licensed premises for dog and cat boarding your pet will be cared for. The premises have been inspected by a qualified Council officer and the licence holder has been deemed competent to care for the animals. The Animal Welfare Regulations are there to ensure there are measures in place regarding among other things, the daily running of the business, infection control and adequate insurance.

If you are looking for somewhere to board your pets you can see a list of the licensed premises in the borough in the Animal Licensing Register page.

Source: Tunbridge Wells Borough Council


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