Today's headlines
West Kent Radio News, I'm Nigel Peacock
Police cordoned off parts of Hilbert Park yesterday due to an incident. Several police cars and personal were involved are the park remained closed for several hours.
Police have been visiting local farms, following a spate of break-ins in Penshurst, Leigh, and Fordcombe. Advice has been given to landowners, to remind them to lock gates and erect metal parking posts on entrances.
Kent College Pembury is looking forward to competing in the Soapbox Stars Cart Race next year. Working with other schools, the race takes place in Dunorlan Park in June.
As part of National Anti-Bullying Week, students at Sackville School are being reminded of the importance of compassion for others. They are being reminded of the quotation, walk a mile in their shoes. Kent County Council has information pages on its website covering bullying and what to look for.
Libraries in West Kent want to know how much you love them. Your feedback is being sought over the next few months, with your opportunity to share your opinions with staff in your local branch.
Although the event is four months away, the Paddock Wood Half Marathon already has 400 runners signed up. This popular spring event takes the run through the Kent countryside. And in Tonbridge, the Triathlon will return in May 2022.
And that's . . . West Kent Radio Local News