Good Neighbours

Phone Number: 01892 510200
Address: Good Neighbours TWBC 12 Upper Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2EP

Good Neighbours is a local Christian charity which aims to reduce social isolation amongst people over 65 in the Tunbridge Wells area and integrate clients into their local community.

For anyone lonely or housebound, who receives fewer than 2 unpaid visitors a week, a regular visit from a befriending volunteer can provide that vital link to the outside world. Good Neighbours’ team of trained and vetted volunteers offer cheerful company, and a listening ear, as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Befriending volunteers can also offer practical and emotional help with medical appointments, as well as shopping, and assistance with paperwork and benefits.

If you know someone who might benefit from Good Neighbours, or if you’d like to get involved, why not complete the contact form on the charity’swebsite or call and leave a message on 01892 510200.

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